LL Various 5/20/24
All statements were emailed 5/2-5/3/24. All lot, boat dock & jet ski port balances were due May 1, 2024. If you did not receive your statement, check your junk & spam. If there, mark not junk or spam.
If you did not receive your statement, contact Debbie 419-234-5702. Monthly statements are due in full upon receipt. A $50 late fee with charged monthly for all unpaid balances.
The contractor will be working on the Internet & DISH TV 5/20-5/24/24. You may experience down time. You will have to reboot you modem and rescan your tv upon completion. We will advise when work is completed.
If you have weeds in your drive, please spray. If we have to spray it will be a $50 charge.
Due to the normal high volume of vehicles in the park over the holiday, parking is an issue. Please remove trailers from the park. Utilize the 2 parking spots in front of your RV. Sites 99-119 park on the side of the street that your RV is situated in order to keep the overflow parking available. No parking along Sites 200-228 other than lessees of those sites. No parking on the grass.
Please watch your speed and let your guests know about speed limit; lots of children in the park.
Be respectful of your neighbors with noise prior to 11 PM.
May 24th -Bingo at the large shelter 7 PM
June 8th -Pulled pork dinner at lg shelter, golf cart drive thru, serving 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
June 15th -Boat safety inspections 9 AM-1 PM. To schedule a Vessel Safety Check, please call Anita Daniel at 937-726-6572.
July 3rd -Drake Food Truck 4 PM-8 PM at Lot 142.
July 6th -Drive around cornhole, sign up at Lot 151 at 1 PM. $5/ person. Start at 2. If you would like to host a cornhole site, let us know as soon as possible. Contact Jeff Snyder 419-303-8525.
July 13th -LL Firemen’s Smoke on the Water 1 PM-5 PM, band and grill day.
July 27th -Pink St Pond party 1 PM-5 PM, band 3 Streets Over and grill day.
Aug 3rd -Leadfoot at lg shelter 1 PM-5 PM, grill day
Oct 5th -LL Halloween 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM, sandwiches at Lot 142.
There will be a green roll off dumpster brought in for the Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day weekends. DO NOT PUT REGULAR TRASH IN THE ROLL OFF! Put regular trash in the other smaller dumpsters, use all 6 doors on each dumpster. If a dumpster is full, move to the next dumpster. Only if all 6 dumpsters are full, put your trash in the green roll off dumpster. The roll off dumpster is for items
that are not to be put in the 6 smaller dumpsters.
Contact Jeff Snyder with any questions 419-303-8525.